13 de maio de 2011

LSPE and OLIMPO missions' simulations

Today I had the 2nd meeting with People of the Cosmology group. This was sort of a busy week, with definitions of tasks on Monday and the first checkout today.

One of my activities here will be the simulations of flight and data analysis pipeline (well, the first version of it) for OLIMPO and LSPE ( Large Scale Polarization Experiment) dedicated to measure the CMB B-mode polarization. This task aims to optimize the exoeriments' scan strategies, mostly to avoid 1/f noise that comes from everything that moves in the payload, basically. Even gondola pendulation must be accounted for.

At this point me and 2 colleagues are starting from what we already did in the past... There's a lot of vector algebra to account for pointing and coordinate transformation from gondola ref frame to Earth ref frame to astronomical ref frame...

Next step there should be a hit map to estimate the experiment's sensitivity and we'll go from that point to verify the stepwise and continuously modulated strategies.

This will impact future mapmaking processes later so we may even compute it now in the first round.

More on Monday.

Buono fine setimana (sp?)

Enviado por C. A. Wuensche via iPhone.

Um comentário:

  1. Parece ser trabalhoso e ao mesmo tempo bem interessante. Gostaria de saber mais sobre esses simuladores =]
